Fellowship Class


Our Core Values

Sunday school teachings on Peoples Church Core Values

Dependence on the Holy Spirit

Allowing the Holy Spirit to lead our lives by doing everything in constant awareness of our need for Him (John 15:5).


Being real all the time.  It is not pretending to be somebody we are not.  It is being honest and transparent in all our relationships.

Transformation - PART 1

Inner change by the Holy Spirit that makes us a new creation in Christ.  We will continue to become more like Jesus.

Transformation - PART 2

Inner change by the Holy Spirit that makes us a new creation in Christ.  We will continue to become more like Jesus.

Missional Living

Living our lives to show the love of Christ to those around us.  We want to engage others with the Gospel message by reaching out to meet needs through compassionate relationships.


Every Christian will win others to Jesus and intentionally disciple the next generation to be able to do the same.