March 05

Saturday, March 5

Mark 11: 27-33: Who’s in Charge?

Power struggles happen every day; that moment your toddler first learns
the word no, a competitive workplace where everyone seems more
concerned about getting ahead than they do about one another, or even
friendships where everyone fights to be heard rather than listening to
each other. Jesus is asked where His authority comes from, to which He
responds in perfect debate fashion, by asking a question of His own. In
one brief clause, He challenges his interrogators to examine their own
motives, bringing to the surface their need for power and control. For
the religious leaders of the day, Jesus being different than what they
expected got in the way of them seeing the truth of Who He is. The real
answer was right in front of them and they weren’t ready. We daily
encounter the same battle. Will we submit to Jesus’ authority and live
with His power or will we fight for control? Are we all in with Jesus?

Ask Jesus to bring to mind those areas you most tend to seek control
over? How could Jesus’ influence change how you act toward such

Where in your life have you seen His authority transform and strengthen

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