April 03

John 15:26-16:15

Jesus is so gracious, isn’t He? In the midst of His knowingly making
His way to the cross, He pauses, acknowledges the sorrow those left
behind will be feeling, then assures them He’s not leaving them alone.
In fact, He’s giving them a helper. This helper will do many things, He
lists a few in this passage:
• The helper will bear witness about Jesus
• The helper will convict the world concerning sin, righteousness, and
• The helper will guide you into all truth

When I have faced trauma, or significant suffering, I have found it
difficult to pour into others. I suspect I’m not the only one. That’s what
makes Jesus so special. He lives out turning the other cheek, loving
your enemies and taking on the nature of a servant at the hardest
moments. And He understands the Kingdom fellowship He’s invited us
into. He reminds His listeners of the beautiful work the Holy Spirit will
do in His name.

• Of the work Jesus tells us the Helper will do, which jumps out at you
• How have you experienced the witness of the Spirit, His conviction,
or His guidance?

Make time to ponder the grandeur of what Jesus teaches us about the
Trinity in verses 14 and 15. Rejoice in Him today.

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