March 12
Mark 12: 38-40
When I first lived in China, I was taught the subtle art of watching for
fakes. If the price being offered was too good to be true for something
fancy, it was probably a fake. No one can buy a Rolex for $15, then go
around showing off how great their watch is, aficionados will spot the
Jesus warns followers to watch out for those kinds of religious folk that
need to be seen and heard. The warning is to watch out for those who’s
righteousness is only as good as how many people marvel at what they
do. He points out those who seek seats of honor, those who show off by
how long and beautifully they can pray, and those who take advantage of
the widows and weak.
Those connected to the Vine, to Jesus, will begin to notice if fakes are
around. They’ll seek out fellowship that is authentically pointing to
Jesus and loving one another well. They’ll serve joyfully, pray humbly,
and invite others to get involved, even if they aren’t perfect.
As you spend time in prayer, ask the Lord to bring to mind some things
you could do for the Kingdom that would honor Him yet may go
completely unnoticed by others.
Who can you encourage this week that may feel put off by fakes? How
will you show them love?