March 30

John 14: 1-14

Today’s reading brings us to one of the most comprehensive teachings Jesus
gives us of Who He is, His relationship with His Father, and our responsibility
as His believers. He leaves little to the imagination. Let’s ponder together our
response to the beauty and depth of the words of the Messiah.

First: Don’t let our hearts be troubled, He’s preparing a place for His own.
How can we live peacefully in that anticipation today?

Second: No one comes to Abba except through Jesus. It seems many
Christians no longer are convinced of the truth and exclusivity of Jesus as
Savior. Why do you think that is? Why is it a GREAT thing that there is ONE
WAY to the Father? Who needs to see the greatness of Jesus today?

Third: Jesus is in the Father and the Father is in Jesus. This can be difficult
for our minds to comprehend. While we may not see with our eyes how
significant the glory of God in three persons is (the Trinity: Jesus speaks of
Him in tomorrow’s passage); we see the grandeur of His marvelous presence
daily. We are empowered to live like Jesus through the work of the Holy
Spirit. We have access to the Father through the Son, and we’ve been given
an example of how to live, again, through Jesus. We are loved by a Father
who never fails to keep His promise and calls us His beloved. Three pictures
of the same God in three persons.
Marvel at His incomprehensible provision and greatness today. Thank Him
for inviting you into the fellowship.

Fourth: Whoever believes in Jesus will have the power to do the works Jesus
has done, in fact, the believer can do even greater works. How is this
possible? Divine connection with the Father through the work and love of
Christ gives us access to His power, for His glory and expansion of the
Kingdom. Do you feel that power at work in you? What about your journey
of faith may need to change to be able to confidently live in such a way that
the miracles of Christ are accessible to you?

Make today a day where you meditate and act upon the greatness of the
presence of God with you.

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