March 31

John 14: 15-31
As Jesus’ journey to the cross continues, He gives His disciples a grand
description of how He will protect, teach, dwell, remind, and give peace to
those who obey and love Him. Today, let’s make space to reflect on three
words Jesus uses repeatedly to train us as we live in His truth.

Keep (some translations say obey): Jesus starts with obedience and returns to
that theme often. How will we obey or keep His commands today?

Love: count how many times Jesus refers to love in this passage. In your
own words, explain what He’s teaching us about loving Him and being loved
by Him in all three persons.

Helper: Who is this helper? What role does He play in our lives? List all
that Jesus says about Him (the Helper) in this passage. Did anything jump out
to you that maybe you haven’t thought of our experienced before?

Go back and reread this passage aloud, slowly. Highlight back to God the joy
and hope He brings you as you meditate on His words.

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