April 01
John 15: 1-17
Skipping to the end of today’s reading brings us to a repeated theme: love
another as Jesus has loved you. Repeated this often, it must be important.
Love matters.
What is equally fascinating and telling is how Jesus arrives at the repeated
command to love. He begins by reminding His hearers that bearing fruit is
expected, and God will aid in that work. Then He goes onto tell us the key to
fruitful living comes in abiding in the vine, and He IS the vine.
We might have a tendency to unintentionally reverse the process. You may
look for the fruit but feel too busy to make the time to abide in Christ. As we
move closer to Easter, isn’t now the perfect time to get things in order? If we
want the strength, wisdom, and vision to love others like Jesus, we have to
begin by connecting closely with Jesus.
Today, consider your habits and rhythms for abiding with Jesus. What works
best for you when you feel most connected with Jesus? What new habit is
Jesus challenging you to make that will order your life around Christ as the
Investigate the scriptures, what does the Word say about abiding in Christ?
Make some notes and get practicing. Then come back in a week, and identify
what has changed as you’ve improved your abiding habits with Christ.