March 23

Mark 14: 3-9

Did you catch where Jesus was hanging out? A Jewish rabbi was
chilling at the house of a man named Simon the Leper. That was not
something a Jewish man was supposed to do. He was supposed to avoid
the unclean. Jesus has likely already healed Simon, now He’s reclining
at his table.

Now, to make matters more incredible, a woman “wastes” her resources
to anoint Jesus. This act of tremendous love, was a sacrifice worth more
than a year’s wages. Simon the leper would have been an outcast, the
woman was criticized for her offering because those observing didn’t
understand what was happening. Jesus honors both.
These two images of the greatness of Jesus’ love and our necessary
response come into focus. Jesus honors those who are poor in spirit, and
rich in love.

How about us? How can we demonstrate Christ-like love to those
nearby, and how will we honor our King with all of our lives and
resources? Make time today to ask the Lord what He has for you to give
in this season of life?

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