March 24
John 13:2, 27-30
Betrayal. Sit with that word for a moment.
How could anyone think of betraying a person that has done nothing but
good? What happened to Judas to make him so ready to do the
We are told that Satan entered the man we know as Judas. Satan’s
influence doesn’t tell the whole story. Judas was not without freedom to
make a choice. His hardened heart, his greed, and most significantly, his
willingness to cross a line to sin, gave Satan the open door to persuade
Judas to betray. Sin leads to disaster that results in death. We must not
rush past the truth that sin is a betrayal before God, to God.
Throughout the scriptures, we are warned to be wary of sin crouching at
our door. What can any of us do?
• First, acknowledge that temptation to ignore what is right, noble, and
pure, is present all around us.
• Second, arm yourself with a battle plan: memorize key scriptures,
commit to avoiding situations that can only lead to sin.
• Third, develop the practice of inviting the Lord to search your heart
• Finally, practice celebrating the wise and good choices, build habits of
celebrating the goodness of God at work in your life. It becomes
harder to give into darkness when you are basking in the light.
Identify those areas where it is easiest for you to slip: acknowledge
them before the Lord, then thank Him for walking with you. Now,
celebrate that God gives you all you need for victory, righteous living,
and freedom in Christ. Finally, stand up straight and walk confidently in
the strength only the Lord can provide.