March 26

Mark 14: 17-26

How can we even begin to process the emotional depth of this moment
between Jesus and His disciples? First, He drops the bombshell that one
of these disciples will betray Him, leading to questions and postures of
self-defense: surely it’s not me, is it? They’re looking for Jesus comfort
even in a moment of such great pain for Him.

Jesus, instead of pointing to Judas and letting the disciples protect Him,
uses their dinner to set the scene for what was now immediately before
Him. Jesus gives His disciples, and now us, a way to honor and
remember what He was doing. His body, broken for us. His blood
poured out for the forgiveness of sins.

He’s giving this gift to the disciples after have just telling them one
would betray Him! He stayed on course even when it was more painful
than we could possibly comprehend. That sums up Jesus’ life: He is the
greatest gift humanity has ever received. Communion is therefore the
honoring of the gift of His life, given that we may live eternally with

Make some time today by yourself, or with your family, to celebrate the
Lord’s supper.

Slow down and truly reflect on the scene of the upper room where all
this took place. Share with the Lord and those around you any feelings
or observations that come to mind. Then express your gratitude to our
King for Who He is, and what He’s done on our behalf. Thank Him for
giving you new life.

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