April 10
Lk. 23:18-23
Three times Pilate asks the crowd of Jews whom he should release. Three times the answer came back, release to us the insurrectionist/murderer. Pilate pressed the issue, what evil has Jesus committed? No answer, only blind mob rage: “crucify Him!” Luke chooses the strongest language possible to demonstrate emotion behind the pleas from the chief priests, scribes (vs 10), and now the crowd.
In days like these, t’s prudent to step back, and seek the guidance of the Lord. It would be simple to say we’d never behave like the Jews, and I would tend to agree, we hope we’ve learned from those who’ve walked before. However, we must ask ourselves if there are things we are in danger of holding onto more tightly than the ways of Jesus Himself? What evil might we be willing to look past in order to keep our assumptions held tightly in place? It is at that place, the most tightly held whatever it might be, that can turn our hearts from the truth of who Jesus calls us to be. May we have soft hearts to see the truth of light, life, and love right before us.
Today, pray for your neighborhood, city, state, and nation, that we, a people, would be tender to the Truth of Jesus in front of us. Ask God for opportunities this to share that truth of Jesus to those who may be making kings out of anyone but Him.