April 11
Lk. 23:24-25; Jn. 19:4-16
Monday of Passion week, the cross draws ever nearer. So too does clarity with which we observe the struggle between good and evil. The battle is playing out before our eyes in today’s passage. Jesus, referred to in yesterday’s reading as King of the Jews (which He is) is pitted against Pilate and ultimately Caesar (who was often referred to as the son of god). Jesus only answer to the accusations from Pilate is one based on Who gives ultimate authority.
I’m constantly in awe of Jesus’ courage and composure amidst great struggle, persecution, and torture. Pondering His answer in verse 11 gives us a clue as to His demeanor and what is available to us. Jesus was calm and clear because He knew He was in line with the will of His Father. He was immovably certain of where He stood and Who was in control.
Spend a moment again reviewing what it means to ensure our King (Jesus) has been invited to rule over every aspect of your life. Thank Him for making a way to access the Father through the most painful means. And praise Him for being the one, truly deserving Lord of all creation.