April 06

Luke 22:47-53

What would you have done?

A friend you’ve invested much in, leans in to greet you with a holy kiss.
Let’s say he leans in for a hug, we don’t greet with kisses too often these
days. You know something sinister is afoot, what do you do?
Jesus, seeing a military posture as the way in which He’ll be arrested,
again asks a probing question: “Have you come out against a
robber....?” Jesus again demonstrates He is of no threat, He’s not
leading a military revolution or coup, however, He knows, to the
religious leaders of the day, He is a threat to their control. Such a threat
was Jesus, they bribed His own disciple to betray and hand Him over.
Jesus resists fighting back, instead healing one who was injured, and
points to the reality of the darkness of the day. Jesus shows restraint.

He will be victorious. His revolution is much bigger. He has shown a
way of life those apart from Him do not understand. He goes on,
obeying the will of the Father, with meekness. He is a true King.
Read this passage again, this time paying attention to how it makes you

What emotions come to the surface as you process what happened?
As difficult as it might be, consider how sin, our own sin, betrays Jesus.

Again, how does that make you feel?

Now, knowing how our sin is an act of betrayal, worship Jesus who
knew this, yet still went to the cross to ensure our sin did not have to
condemn us, because His sacrifice would set us free. How does that
make you feel?

All Hail King Jesus!

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