March 13
Luke 13: 34-35
Luke draws our attention to the city of Jerusalem. Unfortunately, the
words spoken don’t refer to her grandeur or favor. It is to be the place of
Jesus’ suffering, and also the “unwilling object of His love” (Walter
Liefeld). Jesus is deeply saddened by the reality that there are those who
will not accept His gift of Kingdom life. That lament is still real today
each time a sinner rejects Jesus’ gift of life.
I think of Peter’s words, “The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as
some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any
should perish, but that all should reach repentance. (2 Peter 3:9)”. God’s
work is not done, and He continues to use His Church to invite the world
to Himself, God still moves toward the lost and so should we.
Pray by name for those you know who don’t yet believe in Christ.
Commit to fervently investing in and praying for them during this season
of lent, that they may know Christ, and His power and be transformed.