March 14
Mk. 12:41-44
What can you offer God? That’s the big question surrounding this
beautiful story. When our Lenten journey began, it began with Jesus’
statement, “The Lord has need of it...”. Now, we find Jesus observing
those giving offerings at the Temple treasury. The God of all creation,
the God who knows everything, has need of nothing from us, rather He
wants something incredibly specific from us, offered voluntarily. He
wants all of us.
The widow who gave out of her plenty modeled what Jesus longs for us
to offer Him. “Blessed are the poor in spirit” refers to those who realize
they bring nothing, but long to give Him everything. As Christians
consider how we live in a rapidly changing world, we must daily ask the
Lord, “what can I joyfully give you, today?”
Spend time today asking the Lord to take inventory of your life, your
time, and your resources, with you. Identify how you are spending your
capital in each area, make a little chart if you like. Next, examine what
that chart or list says about your priorities. What adjustments could you
make that might make you more available to the Lord?