March 09
Mark 12: 18-27
It would be easy to examine the first paragraph of today’s reading,
spending all our time wondering aloud what it means. The truth is, the
Bible’s picture of life in Heaven is a bit ambiguous. What we know for
sure is we’ll have new bodies, live in paradise, and we’ll have the
distinct pleasure of worshiping God, serving Him, and enjoying Him
forever!. What a day that will be!
There’s more to this teaching. Jesus asks His own question, again
answering His testers with a question. How can you know so much
about the Word of God but live lives absent of His power? The
Sadducees had learned the Pentateuch (the first five books of the Bible)
but had missed the full meaning of God’s Word, and thus missed the
power connected with the Word.
How might Christians today utilize the power God offers us?
How has God revealed His power to you as you’ve enjoyed His Word?