March 08
Mark 12: 13-17
This account of Jesus’ couldn’t come at a better time, could it? We’re
right smack in the middle of tax season here in America and I am sure,
many strong feelings cross through our minds. Again, His opponents
seek to test Jesus by setting a dialogical trap for Him. Then Jesus did the
unexpected, He spoke truth in a way they could not argue against. The
beauty of Jesus’ answer is it clearly reminds His testers we have an
obligation to Caesar but also to God. We pay our taxes as those funds
should help us live freely as protected citizens. So much more, we have
an obligation to give the Lord our best: we give Him our very souls, we
worship Him in word and deed, and we honor our citizenship to His
Kingdom by living according to His laws.
What does a lifestyle that honors our Caesars and our God look like in
What responsibilities do we have as citizens of the USA?
What responsibilities do we have of citizens of the Kingdom of God?