April 12

Lk. 23:26-31

They led Him away.

The son of God, Savior of the world, was led away like a criminal, to
pay for crimes He did not commit. Luke points us to those near Him,
women mourning and lamenting for Him. Jesus, with full knowledge of
what was about to take place, again looks to those nearest to Him, in this
case the women, and prophesies’ of Jerusalem’s impending fall. Dark
days were coming but would not be the end of the story.

In the midst of great struggle, there is hope.

Yes, Jerusalem did indeed fall.

Yes, Jesus suffered horribly on the cross.

Yes, He died on that cross.

None of these facts give the final view. A new heaven and earth are
coming, God’s renewed creation is near. Jesus did not stay on that cross,
nor did death keep Him. The story doesn’t stop at hopelessness. The
story continues toward eternal life provided by our Savior Himself.
It is difficult to consider Jesus being led away. We must do so.

We must not only ponder Him being led away,
we do not remain downtrodden.
Hope is arising.
Redemption is near.

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