April 13
Luke. 23:32-34, John 19:18-24
The King of the Jews was crucified on a cross, between two thieves. A
disgraceful way to die in the eyes of everyone looking. Yet, what is Jesus’
“Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.”
The painfully beautiful compassion of that moment is unlike any other
moment in history. His compassions did not fail, the old hymn reminds
In the obedient act of paying for our sins on that cross Jesus initiated a
monumental shift. A new covenant was written, with King Jesus at the
center. The ultimate sacrifice had been made, the Son of God gave His
own life for the sins of man.
Jesus compassion tells the story: people like us tortured Him and put
Him on a cross.
Yet He looks upon sinners like us with compassion and provides the only
way of forgiveness and life.
Think about what the compassion of Jesus feels like in light of what it
cost Him. Respond to Him as the Spirit leads.