March 15
Mk. 13:1-13
I cannot think of a time in history where people were not captivated by
thoughts of the end of the world, can you? As we understand the
ongoing devastating effects of sin, we can safely say, yes, things are bad.
Maybe you too have wondered about what the end will feel like as we
eagerly await Jesus’ return. Jesus kindly gave us words to live by, again.
First, be on our guard. How do we do that? Stay close to Jesus. Live
His word by living in the word, dwelling with Him in prayer and time,
and be a disciple: love Him well by obeying His teaching and loving
others well, even when it’s difficult.
Next, be aware those not following Christ and their desire to lead
followers away from the Truth. They will make many claims, they will
look and sound good, but their influence will not point you to Jesus.
That’s the test: if one claims a word from God or a special mission but
is not consistent with the person and teaching of Christ, run away, and
teach others to do the same.
Finally, be encouraged that as things get difficult, the Holy Spirit does
not forget you, nor does He leave you powerless. In fact, He speaks
when we can’t. How great is our God!
Today, be comforted that while the end is near, Jesus is as true and
strong as He’s ever been, and He does not leave us alone. Ask yourself
how are you securing a strong foundation in Christ as we navigate a
world often hostile to those who follow Him?