March 16

Mk. 13:32-37

Jesus spends significant time teaching His followers to prepare to walk
through significant trial, difficulty, and persecution as we follow Him.
He tells us to be aware of knowledgeable of the signs, but then He
makes another unique comment: you won’t know the exact moment
He’s to return. This is a difficult reality that comes with a mission.

Because we don’t know when He’s coming, we stay alert, ready to show
the world His greatness and the salvation that comes only through
Christ. We are to stay awake, on guard from the wiles of the deceiver,
and ready to run a rescue ship for those drowning (cf. CT Studd).

As we grapple with the reality of Jesus’ words, we must put on the full
armor of Christ (Ephesians 6: 10-20) over and over. We must look
around, asking the Lord to help us discern the times, with compassion,
that we may endure well and serving as His hands and feet. How will
you be on your guard today?

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